Turf Disease Control 2018-04-12T16:05:34+00:00


Turfgrass diseases are difficult to understand and the biological organisms causing the problems are rarely observed. Fortunately, grasses maintained using proper cultural practices (water, mowing and fertilizing) are not as likely to become diseased or be as severely damaged as grasses not receiving proper care. The environment is the key factor for disease development since the turfgrass host and turfgrass.

Pathogens are naturally always present. While diseases may affect turfgrasses all year, individual turf diseases are active for only a few months each year, usually due to weather patterns and the resulting environmental effects. However, any stress (environmental or man-made) placed on turf will weaken the turf, and thus make it more susceptible to disease development.

Since it is usually not practical or desirable to eliminate the turfgrass host, disease control recommendations are aimed at:

  • Altering the environment so it is less favorable for disease development
  • Suppressing growth of the pathogen
  • Decreasing stress on turfgrass

An integrated management program that includes cultural and chemical methods is the key to preventing and controlling turfgrasses diseases.

NativeGreen will first, correctly identify the disease. Second, identify the conditions promoting infections and disease development. Third, Identify the management techniques that will alter or eliminate these conducive conditions.


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