Palm Tree Fertilization 2018-04-12T16:14:25+00:00


Palm trees nutritional deficiencies are easily prevented by following a yearly fertilization program. Mature palms in the landscape should be fertilized with a complete granular fertilizer formulated for palms. Providing your palm tree with a quality fertilizer or plant food “supplements” is important, so it can maintain its good “health.” Some places like South Florida has very little nutrient in the soil which is very important for palm tree growth. 3 to 4 applications of a palm fertilizer are recommended to provide a constant supply of nutrients during the growing season.

Common Palm Diseases in Florida

LETHAL YELLOWING: This Disease is caused by a phytoplasma that is transmitted by a leaf hopper. Symptoms vary with the host species, and even among coconut cultivars.

FUSARIUM WILT: This disease is caused by the fungus Fusarium Oxysporum. The fungus causes a wilt because it clogs the xylem tissue (water-conducting tissue). The leaf symptoms include a one-sideddeath, where in the leaflets on only one side of the rachis is dead. It normally appears first on the oldest living leaves and progresses upwards. Spread of the disease is through pruning tools and wind born spores.

GANODERMA BUTT ROT: This disease degrades or rots the lower 4-5 feet of the trunk. It is not root rot. All palms are considered hosts of this fungus. At this time, no palm is considered resistant to this disease and there are currently no cultural or chemical controls for preventing the disease. Palms infected should be removed immediately including as much of the stump and root system possible.

TEXAS PHOENIX PALM DECLINE (TPPD): This disease is caused by an unculturable bacterium that has no cell wall. A phytoplasma TPPD is a fatal, systemic disease and is spread by sap-feeding insects such as plant hoppers. Palm species most severely affected is the Canary Island Date Palm, Phoenixdactylifera, Sylvester Palms and Sable Palm or Cabbage Palm.


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